Analysis of economic efficiency of introducing new equipment at open pits




economic efficiency, index, quality, productivity, mining industry, built-in drive, innovation


Following the main trends of the modern market and the leading methods for determining the effectiveness of introducing new equipment in the mining industry, the choice of the method and system of indicators to assess the economic efficiency of replacing existing granite processing equipment at Stryzhavka Quarry PJSC with new was substantiated.

The relevance of the research is caused by the need of efficiency process management of mining enterprises that sell their products in a market economy.

The estimated technical and economic indicators that characterize the efficiency of replacing existing granite processing equipment at Stryzhavka Quarry PJSC with new equipment in the technological complex, developed on the basis of the built-in drive, demonstrate the feasibility of replacement, which lies in increased processing volumes of granite mass, reduced capital and operating costs, decreased cost of 1 ton of manufactured products, increased net income, gross profit, profitability index and reduced payback period.

The results of calculation of economic efficiency indicators are the basis for management decision-making on replacing existing foreign equipment by domestic with improved technical and economic parameters.

Author Biographies

Леонід Клавдійович Поліщук, Vinnitsa national technical University 95 Khmelnitsky highway, Vinnitsa, Ukraine, 21021

Associate professor, PhD

Department of machine tools and automated manufacturing equipment

Оксана Олександрівна Адлер, Vinnitsa national technical University 95 Khmelnitsky highway, Vinnitsa, Ukraine, 21021

Associate professor, PhD

Department of Economics of enterprise and production management


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How to Cite

Поліщук, Л. К., & Адлер, О. О. (2015). Analysis of economic efficiency of introducing new equipment at open pits. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(1(77), 5–11.



Mechanical engineering technology