Study of the fractional composition of sugars of the secondary products of potato processing


  • Світлана Юріївна Попова Donetsk national university of economics and trade named after Mykhaylo Tugan-Baranovskiy 16 Ostrovskogo street , m. Kriviy Rih, Ukraine, 50042, Ukraine



secondary products of potato processing, potato dry additive, optically active carbohydrates, rotation angle of polarization plane, standard solutions


The chemical composition of secondary products of potato processing (SPPP) shows that they contain a complex of substances that will allow to level the production process parameters of yeast semi-finished products at the stage of the yeast medium pre-activation or yeast dough maturation.

The object of the research were solutions of SPPP, pre-crushed, frozen and dried.

The aim of the research was to determine the fractional composition of SPPP by a spectropolarimetric method.

In determining the fractional composition, optically active substances were in optically inactive solution. Therefore, the concentration of components in a solution of a mixture of optically active substances can be found if rotation constants and the total number of components in the mixture are known.

The values of rotation constants of optically active potato carbohydrates at different wavelengths λi were found from experimental data of measuring the rotation angle of the polarization plane when radiation passes through the standard carbohydrate solutions with different known concentrations.

In this case, the system of five linear equations, linking the rotation angles φλi of the polarization plane of the solution with unknown concentrations Ci and specific optical activities [αλ] of potato carbohydrates at different wavelengths λi, took the form of expressions (1) and (2).

To solve systems of linear equations (1) and (2), the Gaussian elimination method with pivoting, which greatly reduces the effect of computational error in the computer calculation was used.

Studies have shown that pre-freezing of SPPP increases the amount of reducing sugars by 3-4 times.

Author Biography

Світлана Юріївна Попова, Donetsk national university of economics and trade named after Mykhaylo Tugan-Baranovskiy 16 Ostrovskogo street , m. Kriviy Rih, Ukraine, 50042


Department of restaurant business technology and hotel and catering


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How to Cite

Попова, С. Ю. (2015). Study of the fractional composition of sugars of the secondary products of potato processing. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(6(77), 23–28.



Technology organic and inorganic substances