Effect of traffic jams on reaction times of different temperaments


  • Нізамі Уруджевіч Гюлєв The National Academy of Municipal Economy street. Revolution, 12, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine
  • Віктор Костянтинович Доля The National Academy of Municipal Economy street. Revolution, 12, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine




Traffic jam, reaction time, functional state, temperament


The reaction time plays an important role in ensuring road safety. The traffic jams arising from the use of wrong technology of traffic  organization or because of excessive traffic  on the road, lead to an increase of the reaction time of drivers. This contributes to increase of emotional stress and to deterioration of the functional state of driv- ers. However, drivers react differently on the stay in a traffic  jam. Therefore, the attempts to predict the behavior of the driver and his reaction time on the basis of an average values lead to incorrect results.

The article studies the reaction time of drivers while in traffic  jam and after it taking into consideration the temperament of drivers. It was pointed that some representatives of the temperaments had stayed in the same fun- ctional state and, therefore, their reaction time had increased. Based on previous studies, it was indicated that the driver-phlegmatic had had some improvement of functional state, and therefore further studies with representativ- es of this group were unreasonable. It was noted that in the traffic  jam the reaction time of the driver-choleric had increased more than that of the other temperaments. The least weak respond to the stay in traffic  jam was repres- ented by driver-melancholic. However, after leaving the traffic  jam, the reaction time of driver-choleric stabilized more quickly than of others. The reaction time of driver-sanguine lowered slowly. Therefore, the development of traffic  organization technology should incorporate regularities obtained in this article

Author Biographies

Нізамі Уруджевіч Гюлєв, The National Academy of Municipal Economy street. Revolution, 12, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002

Ph.D., Associate Professor

The Department of Transport Systems and Logistics

Віктор Костянтинович Доля, The National Academy of Municipal Economy street. Revolution, 12, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002

Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, head of

The Department of Transport Systems and Logistics


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How to Cite

Гюлєв, Н. У., & Доля, В. К. (2012). Effect of traffic jams on reaction times of different temperaments. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(3(60), 69–71. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2012.5535



Control systems