Computer algebra systems in graph theory


  • Леонід Петрович Бедратюк Khmelnitskiy National University Institutska st, 11, Khmelnitskiy, Ukraine, 29016, Ukraine
  • Ганна Іванівна Бедратюк Khmelnitskiy National University Institutska st, 11, Khmelnitskiy, Ukraine, 29016, Ukraine



Graph theory, computer algebra systems, Maple, technology training, special graphs, properties of graphs, attributes of graphs


Recently we have seen the active penetration of computer algebra systems to the educational process because it allows to form an innovative learning technologies. Almost every branch of mathematics the Maple developed the separate specialized package commands. However, currently these technologies, despite its effectiveness and visibility, for various reasons, are still not common in the classroom. The purpose of this article is to review basic information about the capabilities of computer algebra to solve some common problems of graph theory, and which can be used to solve educational problems. The paper describes the package description commands GraphTheory computer algebra system Maple. The methods of solving some common problems in the theory of graphs in Maple. Using discussed the team package Maple a teacher can illustrate the problem solving in the classroom for the subject of the discrete mathematics

Author Biographies

Леонід Петрович Бедратюк, Khmelnitskiy National University Institutska st, 11, Khmelnitskiy, Ukraine, 29016

Department of Software Engineering

Ганна Іванівна Бедратюк, Khmelnitskiy National University Institutska st, 11, Khmelnitskiy, Ukraine, 29016

Department of Software Engineering


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How to Cite

Бедратюк, Л. П., & Бедратюк, Г. І. (2012). Computer algebra systems in graph theory. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(4(60), 43–46.



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects