Recognition of the periodic reference signal superimposed with periodic interference


  • Віктор Васильович Авраменко Sumy State University Rimsky-Korsakov Street, 2, Sumy, 40007, Ukraine
  • Юрій Іванович Прохненко Sumy State University Rimsky-Korsakov Street, 2, Sumy, 40007, Ukraine



Periodic signal recognition, disproportion functions, additive noise, periodic noise, speech command, signal fragment


There are many publications devoted to the problem of recovery of reference signal superimposed on a random noise. In many practical cases, however, both the signal and the additive noise are periodic processes. Processing such a signal usually starts with filtering the noise. However, when the spectra of the signal and the noise are superimposed, the filtering will distort the spectrum of reference signal. The correlation methods that require observation of the signal over the full period are only effective in cases where no real-time recognition is necessary. Based on that the disproportion functions have been chosen as a measure of deviation between the reference and the analyzed signal. These functions are invariant to the scaling factor that allows recognizing the reference signal with unknown scaling. Moreover, there is no need for long-time monitoring of the analyzed signal. To work out the disproportion function it is enough to know just the magnitude and the first derivative of the analyzed signal. The real-time recognition method has been developed. Its efficiency has been proven on recognition of the speech commands superimposed on a high intensity periodic noise

Author Biographies

Віктор Васильович Авраменко, Sumy State University Rimsky-Korsakov Street, 2, Sumy, 40007


Department of Computer Science

Юрій Іванович Прохненко, Sumy State University Rimsky-Korsakov Street, 2, Sumy, 40007


Department of Computer Science


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How to Cite

Авраменко, В. В., & Прохненко, Ю. І. (2012). Recognition of the periodic reference signal superimposed with periodic interference. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(4(60), 64–68.



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects