Analysis of formation conditions of condense phases on surface of silicon rod-substrates


  • Юрий Васильевич Реков "Plant Semiconductors" str. Greenhouse, 16, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69009, Ukraine



silicon, condensation, steam-gas phase, crystalline phase, thermodynamic potential, evaporation, heat transfer, mass transfer


There is an analysis of the formation of condense phases on the surface of silicon rod-substrates. The formation of condensation layers in the scheme "molten silicon - silicon base – steam-gas phase" in a vacuum undergoes series of stages, subject to certain regularities: evaporation, mass transfer and condensation.

The final stage is the condensation of the silicon atoms on the side surface of the silicon rod. Physical laws of condensation include the regularities of such processes as the adsorption, the  crystallographic transformation on the surface of the growing condensate, the regularities of heat transfer associated with the release of latent heat of condensation.

From a thermodynamic point of view, the most probable is the formation of a condensate consisting of amorphous silicon, as this process is accompanied by the lowest increase of Gibbs energy of the system. This takes the widely used assumption that Gibbs energies of the supercooled liquid phase and the amorphous phase are close.

To compare the thermodynamic stability of the layers with different structure corresponding to the stable and metastable modifications of silicon, we use Gibbs energy of competing phases

Author Biography

Юрий Васильевич Реков, "Plant Semiconductors" str. Greenhouse, 16, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69009

General manager


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How to Cite

Реков, Ю. В. (2012). Analysis of formation conditions of condense phases on surface of silicon rod-substrates. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(5(60), 50–55.