Modeling for establishment of evaluation conditions of functional safety of the railway track


  • Ірина Олександрівна Бондаренко Dnipropetrovsk national university of railway transport 2 Lazaryan str., Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49005, Ukraine



modeling, lifecycle, railway track deformability, wave propagation, track reliability, functional safety of track


The paper examines the modeling of the lifecycle of the railway track elements for investigating the deformation processes as the basis for the regulatory framework of the track operation to ensure the reliability of railways. To this end, the foundations of the wave propagation theory are used in describing the track and rolling stock interaction. The basic theoretical provisions and principles to describe the features of deformation operation and the calculation algorithm to determine the stress-strain state of the track are presented. Propagation of bulk and surface waves is used as exciting pulses. The requirements to the minimum length of the site under study and distance between the forces that must be considered in modeling are defined. The requirements to evaluation conditions of functional safety of the track are formed. According to the proposed model, a dynamic process, which involves the movement of the track under the effects of horizontal and vertical movements of wheels on rails for a period of time is considered.

Author Biography

Ірина Олександрівна Бондаренко, Dnipropetrovsk national university of railway transport 2 Lazaryan str., Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49005

PhD, Associate professor

Department track and track facilities


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How to Cite

Бондаренко, І. О. (2016). Modeling for establishment of evaluation conditions of functional safety of the railway track. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(7(79), 4–10.



Applied mechanics