The procedure of determing the degree of impact damage in honeycomb panels


  • Олександр Олександрович Редько National aviation university Komarova 1, Kiev, 03680, Ukraine
  • Володимир Станіславович Єременко National aviation university Komarova 1, Kiev, 03680, Ukraine
  • Валентин Михайлович Мокійчук National aviation university Komarova 1, Kiev, 03680, Ukraine



robust regression, Huber M-estimates, nondestructive testing, composite materials, honeycomb panels


This article focuses on the developed procedure of determining the degree of impact damage honeycomb panels. It is proposed to use the robust regression method due to the fact that the nondestructive testing method of low-velocity impact, as with any measurement, may have excess errors distributed by any law results.

A robust method is based on M-estimates and an Huber iterative procedure. The difficulty in the implementation of the developed procedure is the choice of tuning constants and weighting function. The procedure was modified for estimating the parameters of the regression model by analyzing the sources of scientific and experimental calculations.

The resulting equation of the linear regression was more robust and resistant to errors than regression dependence, calculated by the method of least squares. This procedure can be adapted to different types of data obtained in the diagnosis of any objects without significant changes in the structure of the software. The research results can be applied in the diagnosis of honeycomb panels of composite materials during the production or pre-flight preparation of aircraft

Author Biographies

Олександр Олександрович Редько, National aviation university Komarova 1, Kiev, 03680


Department of information-measuring systems

Володимир Станіславович Єременко, National aviation university Komarova 1, Kiev, 03680


Department of information-measuring systems

Валентин Михайлович Мокійчук, National aviation university Komarova 1, Kiev, 03680


Department of information-measuring systems


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How to Cite

Редько, О. О., Єременко, В. С., & Мокійчук, В. М. (2012). The procedure of determing the degree of impact damage in honeycomb panels. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(11(60), 41–44.



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