Automation of control processes of technological equipment with rotary hydraulic drive
technological equipment, hydraulic drive, transfer function, stochastic disturbance, automated control systemAbstract
The problems of automation of control processes of technological equipment with the rotary hydraulic drive are considered. The purpose of the paper is synthesis and study of the ACS for equipment that allows for the stochastic disturbance and observation noise.
The mathematical model of technological equipment with the rotary hydraulic drive as an object of automated control is developed. The mathematical description is a set of linear dynamic links with characteristic parameters, namely the time constant of the pump displacement control process; the time constant of the drive power section; transmission coefficient for the tilt angle of the washer (cylinder block) by the control voltage; transmission coefficient of the drive power section; transmission coefficient for the angular velocity by the loading point.
The ACS of equipment that allows for the observation noise and stochastic disturbance of the control object is synthesized. The solution of the problem of the stochastic optimum linear system with incomplete information about the state according to the method of distribution is divided into two: the problem of synthesis of the optimum supervisor and the deterministic problem of synthesis of the optimum system. To develop the optimum linear controller, the dynamic programming method is used.
The study of dynamic characteristics of the ACS is carried out. It is shown that in the range of possible disturbance options, the Kalman-Bucy supervisor performs the function of optimum filtering, reduces the transient duration and provides necessary equipment control quality. The calculations of transients for angular displacement and angular velocity at different values of the transmission coefficient of the pump displacement control unit and the transmission coefficient of the controller are made. Recommendations for selecting the optimum values of transmission coefficients allowing for the features of the technological purpose of equipment are given.
The research results can be used to improve the technological equipment, particularly to expand functionality and enhance dynamic characteristics.
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