Study of the protein-carbohydrate mix effect on the technological properties of short yeast-leavened dough
protein-carbohydrate mix, dry potato additive, yeast-leavened dough, gas-forming ability, active acidityAbstract
The possibility of increasing the nutritional and biological value of bakery products through the use of a protein-carbohydrate mix (PCM) is considered. The main purpose of the research was to substantiate the effective concentration of PCM in terms of the technological properties of yeast-leavened dough.
The study was conducted on the model systems of short yeast-leavened dough by preactivation of yeast (Saccharomycescerevisia) in a culture medium consisting of water and dry additives produced from potato secondary products.
Investigations to determine the chemical and amino acid composition of PCM were carried out, high biological value of the mix was proved. The PCM effect on the gas-forming ability of dough, as well as indicators of active and titratable acidity of the yeast-leavened dough was examined. Improvement of the properties of flour protein-proteinase complex in the presence of PCM was revealed.
It is proved that the use of PCM in a concentration of 15% by weight of flour improves the technological properties of yeast-leavened dough.
The results can be used in the baking industry to intensify the production of yeast-leavened baked products, as well as increase the biological value of the finished products.
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