The rationale of selecting pastries to be made with waxy wheat flour




waxy wheat, amylopectin, flour, technological properties of flour, yeast cakes, low-sugar biscuits, no-bake and boiled honeybread cookies


Analysis of the distinctive characteristics of various pastries has proved relevance of the differentiation approach (practiced outside Ukraine) to the technological properties of flour in producing specific product groups in Ukraine. The study shows the expediency of using non-amylose waxy wheat flour to stabilize the quality of pastries. The study of the technological properties of waxy wheat flour and characteristics of its starch composition has predetermined the choice of pastries with different textures – yeast pastries and honeybread cookies compatible with this type of flour. It has been found that the use of waxy wheat flour in the technology of yeast cakes improves the quality of finished products. A non-amylose type of flour instead of wheat flour in making low-sugar biscuits results in higher consumption characteristics in comparison with the standard, even when sugar is completely excluded from the recipe. The study of changes in the quality of no-bakeand boiled honeybread cookies in storage shows that the use of non-amylose flour facilitates preserving the honeybread cookies’ freshness, which is evidenced by a lower crystallinity of starch in no-bake honeybreads based on waxy wheat flour as well as less intensive weight loss in boiled honeybread cookies and higher crumbliness of the latter compared to the standard.

Author Biographies

Katerina Iorgachova, Odessa national academy of food technologies Kanatnaia St. 112, Odessa, Ukraine 65039


Department of technology of bread, confectionery, pasta and food concentrates

Olga Makarova, Odessa national academy of food technologies 112 Kanatnaya str., Odessa, Ukraine, 65039

PhD, Associate professor

Department of Bakery, Confectionary, Macaroni products and Food concentrate technologies 

Kateryna Khvostenko, Odessa national academy of food technologies 112 Kanatnaya str., Odessa, Ukraine, 65039

PhD, asistant

Department of Bakery, Confectionary, Macaroni products and Food concentrate technologies 


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How to Cite

Iorgachova, K., Makarova, O., & Khvostenko, K. (2016). The rationale of selecting pastries to be made with waxy wheat flour. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(11(80), 12–18.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production