
  • Ігор Михайлович Флис College ofLvivNationalAgrarianUniversity Zamarstynivska str.167,Lviv,Ukraine79068, Ukraine



product of the project, management processes, the model, the initialization of the project, production and processing facility.


It is important in the system of management by a project creation of production-reprocessing complex (PRC) a role and place of properties of product. The very production-processing complex (PRC) which is the subject of our research we are considered the product of innovative project. Our purpose in this research is to analyze properties of product in the project of creation of PRC and model their influence on the processes of initializing of the mentioned project. It is analyzed in the presented article the interaction between the product of project of PRC creation and by the groups of processes of its management. We are developed the model of influence of quantitative and qualitative properties of PRC on the pre-project and project processes of management by the components of each such project and, consequently, are its initializing. The processes of initializing of project of PRC creation directly depend on quantitative and qualitative properties of the project product. However influence of properties of the project product is complex and interrelated, and that is why it is necessary to discover and expressly differentiate quantitative influence each the components in particular. The decision of the noted problem is directed on development of theory and practices of management innovative projects in the branch of agro industrial complex of Ukraine.  

Author Biography

Ігор Михайлович Флис, College ofLvivNationalAgrarianUniversity Zamarstynivska str.167,Lviv,Ukraine79068

Assistant Professor

Director of Environmental 


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  4. Флис І.М. Науково-практичні аспекти управління проектами для виробничо-переробних комплексів / Флис І.М. // TEKA / Польська академія наук// Комісія з механізації та енергетики с.-г. виробництва. – Том. XI. – Люблін, 2011. – С. 83-91.
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  6. Руководство по управлению инновационными проектами и программами : т. 1, версия 1.2 / проф. С. Д Бушуев – K. : Науковий світ, 2009. – 173с.
  7. Управление инновационными проектами и программами на основе системы знаний P2M : Монография / Ф. Ярошенко, С. Бушуев, X. Танака. – K. : «Саммит-Книга», 2012. – 272с.



How to Cite

Флис, І. М. (2013). MODEL OF THE PRODUCT PROPERTIES INFLUENCE ON THE PROJECT INITIALISING. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(10(61), 119–121.



Integrated strategic management, project management and software development companies and territorial