
  • Наталя Іванівна Чухрай Громадська Академія Наук вул. Сєнкєвіча,9, м. Лодзь, Польща, 90-113, Ukraine



crisis of over-consumption, innovation, innovative waste, defects of innovation, sustainable development.


The article deals with the problem of innovation support of over-consumption crisis of the modern society. Over-consumption is a situation where resource-use has outpaced the sustainable capacity of the economic system. A prolonged pattern of over-consumption leads not only to inevitable environmental degradation and the eventual loss of resource bases, but also needs powerful innovative support. The author explained the essence of the over-consumption crisis that occurs in society today. The roles of innovation and marketing in this crisis have explained. The essences of the concept of innovative waste and found «evils» of modern innovation have argued.

The author noted the presence of such sins of modern innovation, such as problems of "over- comfortable consumption", problems of " semi -Innovative “ products, moral obsolescence of goods in it physical novelty, problems of “variofikation” as a result of the cult of novelty.

As a result, humanity is doomed to innovation race with increasing speed, which is under the relentless growth of uncertainty. Therefore, peoples should rethink the place and role of innovation in the development of society and change priorities to support the development of fully sustainable society.

Author Biography

Наталя Іванівна Чухрай, Громадська Академія Наук вул. Сєнкєвіча,9, м. Лодзь, Польща, 90-113

Доктор економічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедрою

Кафедра логістики



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How to Cite

Чухрай, Н. І. (2013). INNOVATIVE SUPPORT OF OVER-CONSUMPTION CRISIS. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(10(61), 19–23.



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