Research of sedimentation stability of lipid-magnetite suspensions by the method of spectrophotometry


  • Alexandr Alexandrov Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy 16 Universitetskaya str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61003, Ukraine
  • Iryna Tsykhanovska Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy 16 Universitetskaya str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61003, Ukraine
  • Tatуana Gontar Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy 16 Universitetskaya str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61003, Ukraine
  • Nicholas Kokodiy National Pharmaceutical University 53 Pushkinskaya str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine



magnetite, suspension, method, SAS, sedimentation, stability, spectrophotometry, particle size, stabilization


A spectrophotometric method of the assessment of stability and determining of the morphological characteristics of lipid-magnetite suspensions (LMS) was studied. The sizes of the particles of magnetite with a surface-active substance (SAS) were defined. The diameter of the particles is 78 nm. The concentration of the particles of magnetite stabilized by a surface–active substance was determined – the concentration (number in 1 cm3) equals N=1.33 ∙ 1012 cm-3 when obtaining a suspension. A slight decrease in the number of particles of magnetite with SAS in 1 cm3 of suspension was observed over time: during 48 hours, the concentration in 1 cm3 decreased from 1.33 ∙1012 down to 1.13 ∙1012 cm-3. The concentration decreases by approximately 2.25 % per 1 hour. Different LMS were obtained. The optimum ratios of the components were selected in the suspensions: magnetite, stabilizer and dispersion medium.

It was established that LMS can be used as biological–active additives, which possess comprehensive action: lipid-magnetite suspensions (LMS) on the basis of magnetite during oral introduction into human organism render beneficial biological effect with the period of action within the range of 3–4 hours: when entering LMS into human organism, the iron concentration in blood rises, which brings about:

– a short-term decrease in intracranial CSF pressure;

– activation of gastric and duodenum performance;

– increase in urination.

Due to bivalent iron and its ability to form transition complexes with oxygen and peroxide radicals (and hydro peroxides), magnetite also manifests antioxidant activity, which makes it possible to recommend it as an antioxidant, which facilitates improvement of the quality and prolongation of the period of storage of fat– containing products.  Furthermore, LMS contain magnetite (which means digestible Fe2+); therefore they can be recommended as anti-anemic agent due to easily digestible bivalent iron. Thus, introduction of LMS into food products increases their quality, nutritional and biological value.

Therefore the studies of LMS are actual and they represent significant theoretical and practical interest.

Author Biographies

Alexandr Alexandrov, Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy 16 Universitetskaya str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61003

Candidate of Chemistry Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department

Department of food and chemical technologies

Iryna Tsykhanovska, Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy 16 Universitetskaya str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61003

Candidate of Chemistry Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of food and chemical technologies

Tatуana Gontar, Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy 16 Universitetskaya str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61003

Senior Lecturer

Department of Food and Chemical Technology

Nicholas Kokodiy, National Pharmaceutical University 53 Pushkinskaya str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Theoretical Physics


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How to Cite

Alexandrov, A., Tsykhanovska, I., Gontar, T., & Kokodiy, N. (2016). Research of sedimentation stability of lipid-magnetite suspensions by the method of spectrophotometry. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(11(81), 4–11.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production