Development of fuzzy statistical method of optimal resource allocation among technical departments of an electric utility company




electric utility enterprise, allocation, risk, the Pareto set, weighting coefficients, Saaty method


We formulated the approach to solving specific aspects of the task of strategic planning of sustainable development of an electric utility enterprise as a multi-criteria decision-making problem, which can be solved under conditions of fuzzy initial information. To solve this task, the method of constructing a set of feasible solutions was proposed, based on the specific functioning of an enterprise divisions. The set of feasible variants is compiled according to the Pareto method, when no element can be improved without worsening of at least one of the other elements, which makes it possible to define a compromise allocation of funding, at which the minimum possible value of the risk of an accident in the electric utility enterprise’s networks is provided. As an optimizationl criterion, we adopted the risk of an accident occurrence in an electric utility system.To solve the task of risk evaluation at solving a linear programming problem, we applied the method, which allows evaluating the risk by analytical way without carrying out probabilistic-statistical modeling.

As a result, the developed method is efficient for practical application during an express evaluation of the risk at different variants of the allocation  of funds among the units of electric utility enterprise without carrying out of cumbersome probabilistic-statistical modeling.

Author Biographies

Mykola Kosterev, National technical university of Ukraine “Kyiv polytechnic institute” Peremohy ave., 37, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03056

Doctor of Science, Professor

Department of Central Power Plants 

Volodymyr Litvinov, Zaporizhia State Engineering Academy Soborny ave., 226, Zaporizhia, Ukraine, 69006

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Hydro Power 


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How to Cite

Kosterev, M., & Litvinov, V. (2016). Development of fuzzy statistical method of optimal resource allocation among technical departments of an electric utility company. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(4(81), 20–27.



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects