Research into the impact of enzyme preparations on the processes of grain dough fermentation and bread quality
enzymes, grain bread, dough preparation, cellulase, xylanase, glucose oxidaseAbstract
The important issue of improvement in the technology of grain bread is the development of measures to improve the rheological properties of dough and bread. With this aim we proposed the use of cellulases, hemicellulases ans oxidoreductases at the stage of dough mixing. It is shown that the application of the studied enzymes for grain emmer and wheat dough contributes to the intensification of non-starch polysaccharides hydrolysis, namely reduction of the content of cellulose by 11 %, hemicelluloses – by 14.3 and 13.0 %, and increase in the content of water-soluble fraction of hemicelluloses.
Additionally, the presence of enzyme preparations in the grain dough promotes slowing down of the processes of gluten proteolysis and improvement of its rheological properties that predetermines increase of gas-retaining capacity of the studied system. It was discovered that adding the studied enzyme preparations to grain dough contributes to the intensification of acid and gas generation in it. The resulting effect of biochemical and microbiological changes in grain dough under the influence of enzyme preparations of cellulase, xylanase and glucose oxidase is the improvement in the quality of grain bread compared to the samples without their addition.
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