The influence of mechanolysis on the activaton of nanocomplexes of heteropolysaccharides and proteins of plant biosystems in developing of nanotechnologies
nanotechnologies, finely dispersed grinding, mechanolysis, nanocomplexes, biopolymers, heteropolysaccharidesAbstract
A nanotechnology of protein plant supplements in the form of puree of peas was developed that is based on the processes of deep processing of raw materials. Finely dispersed grinding and steam and thermal processing were used in this work as the innovation. When using traditional methods of raw materials processing, biological potential is not used in full.
It was found that during deep processing of plant raw materials (dried peas), which is based on comprehensive effect of steam and thermal processing and finely dispersed grinding on the raw material in obtaining nanostructured puree, the processes of mechanical destruction and mechanical chemistry occur. These processes are accompanied by non–ezymatic biocatalysis – mechanolysis (destruction) of hard soluble biopolymers and nanocomplexes of biopolymers (proteins, heteropolysaccharides, namely, pectins, cellulose, starch) with their transformation to monomers (35...55 %) into soluble easily absorbed form (almost 2 times higher compared to the original raw material in a hidden form). The mechanism of protein mechanical destruction and its nanocomplexes, which is associated with the mechanical cracking, was discovered. It was found that the steam and thermal processing and finely dispersed grinding of peas, while obtaining finely dispersed puree, leads to the destruction of polysaccharides by the non–enzymatic catalysis, namely cellulose and starch (30...35 %), protopectin (50 %), to separate monomers. It is shown that in parallel there is an increase of glucose in nanopuree of peas (1.0 g. …10.0 g/100 g, i. e. by10 times).
Integrated application of these processes is accompanied by mechanical destruction, mechanical activation and mechanolysis of biopolymers of nanocomplexes (protein, heteropolysaccharides, etc.) to α–amino acids, glucose, etc. (48…55 %).
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