An improvement of the technology of manufacturing supple leather through enzymatic plasticizing of a structured semi-finished product
enzymatic plasticizing, chrometanned semifinished product, leather material, output areaAbstract
We have developed a technology of enzymatic plasticizing of chrometanned semifinished leather with using protosubtilin G3x in the production of leather. To develop the enzymatic plasticizing technology, the used material was a semifinished product of the method of chrome tanning after a neutralization process; it had been derived from large pig hides with an average area of 180 dm2 (a weight of 6.8 kg) and cattle (heifers) with an average heavy weight of 24.3 kg. The average area of the finished leather material was 133.0 dm2 and 316.0 dm2. Enzymatic plasticizing was produced by applying protosubtilin G3x at a temperature of 54 oС. Enzymatic plasticizing of semifinished leather compared with the control technology ensures the formation of the material structure with deformation and plastic properties increased by 28.0–44.0 % and 26.0–43.0 %, respectively from hides of pigs and heavy heifers.
The process of enzymatic plasticizing of chrometanned semifinished leather is enabled by the destruction of hydrogen and natural links between the lateral radicals of collagen macromolecules as a result of forming temporary enzymecollagen complexes, followed by blocking released functional groups with fat emulsion particles. This twice reduces the duration of mechanical plasticizing after the processes of drying and moisturizing.
The current technology used by the PJSC “Chinbar”, which includes enzymatic plasticizing by enzymaz 10TD, provides an increased output area of the leather material from semifinished hides of pigs and heavy heifers compared with the control technology, respectively by 3.5 % and 4.0 %, and an opportunity to get an economic benefit of 1.2 thousand UAH and 3.3 thousand UAH per 100 m2 of the finished material.
The use of protosubtilin G3x in the developed technology of enzymatic plasticizing in optimal conditions helps reduce the duration of mechanical plasticizing two times and increase the output area by 6.3 % and 5.4 %, respectively for leather obtained from hides of pigs and cattle, which can provide an economic benefit of 1.86 thousand UAH and 4.45 thousand UAH per 100 m2 of the finished material compared with the control technology.
The developed energyefficient and more cost effective technology of enzymatic plasticizing of chrometanned semifinished leather from cattle hides and large pig hides can be considered rather promising for introduction into the manufacturing of supple leather materials.References
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