Optimal synthesis of digital counters in the fibonacci codes with the minimal form of representation


  • Oleksiy Borysenko Sumy State University Rimskiy-Korsakova str., 2, Sumy, Ukraine, 40007, Ukraine
  • Igor Kulyk Sumy State University Rimskiy-Korsakova st., 2, Sumy, Ukraine, 40007, Ukraine
  • Svitlana Matsenko Sumy State University Rimskiy-Korsakova str., 2, Sumy, Ukraine, 40007, Ukraine
  • Olga Berezhna Sumy State University Rimskiy-Korsakova str., 2, Sumy, Ukraine, 40007, Ukraine
  • Aleksandr Matsenko Sumy State University Rimskiy-Korsakova str., 2, Sumy, Ukraine, 40007, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7466-9135




Fibonacci numbers, minimal form, Fibonacci counters, noise immunity, high performance speed


At present, requirements for speed performance and noise immunity in the work of the counters increase. Among the existing structures, the Fibonacci counters meet such requirements. Their drawback is transfer while calculating from the minimal form of representation of the Fibonacci numbers to the maximal form and, consequently, to the use of operations of convolution and deconvolution, which decreases speed, noise immunity and increases required hardware expenses.

We propose for the Fibonacci counters to use only minimal form of representation of the Fibonacci numbers, which excludes operations of convolution and deconvolution. Based on it, the method of the Fibonacci calculation in the minimal form is developed and its logical model is built in the form of a set of logical operations, whose fulfillment leads to the Fibonacci calculation. It gives the possibility to design the method of synthesis of the Fibonacci counters with the optimal ratio of performance speed, noise immunity and amount of hardware expenses for specific conditions of its work.

The advantage of the Fibonacci counters with the minimal form is their increased noise immunity. It is due to both the nature of the Fibonacci calculation itself, which works in the excess codes, and to the absence of transfers to the maximal form, where it is permitted to have the forbidden combinations. In this case, the probability of detecting errors grows with an increase in the number of bits of counter.

Author Biographies

Oleksiy Borysenko, Sumy State University Rimskiy-Korsakova str., 2, Sumy, Ukraine, 40007

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Electronics and Computer Technics

Igor Kulyk, Sumy State University Rimskiy-Korsakova st., 2, Sumy, Ukraine, 40007

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Electronics and Computer Technics

Svitlana Matsenko, Sumy State University Rimskiy-Korsakova str., 2, Sumy, Ukraine, 40007

PhD, Engineer of the First Category

Department of Electronics and Computer Technics

Olga Berezhna, Sumy State University Rimskiy-Korsakova str., 2, Sumy, Ukraine, 40007

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Electronics and Computer Technics

Aleksandr Matsenko, Sumy State University Rimskiy-Korsakova str., 2, Sumy, Ukraine, 40007

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Economics and Business Administration 


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How to Cite

Borysenko, O., Kulyk, I., Matsenko, S., Berezhna, O., & Matsenko, A. (2016). Optimal synthesis of digital counters in the fibonacci codes with the minimal form of representation. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(4(82), 4–10. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2016.75596



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects