Determination of rational roughnes of the side surface of the rail top in curved sections of the underground railway track




contact voltages, model samples, rational roughness, «wheel-rail», underground railway track


This work provides a series of studies are aimed at determining the forces acting in the contact «wheel-rail» in curvilinear sections of the underground railway track.

To define the dependence of the friction coefficient on the parameters of microgeometry of contact surfaces, the technique of laboratory tests on a friction machine was developed. The laboratory tests were carried out on the friction machine by testing specially made models, whose material directly and size in conversion corresponds to the components of the contact «wheel-rail». In order to determine parameters of force impact on model samples, calculation of contact voltages, which occur in the real contact under conditions of unlubricated friction and their conversion into the «modeling» contact were performed.

As a result of testing, rational values of the friction coefficient and wear rate of the contact «wheel-rail’ at unlubricated friction under conditions of contacting in curvilinear sections of the underground railway trackwere defined.

The obtained values of parameters of microgeometry of contacting surfaces under conditions of their practical implementation can significantly reduce the wear rate in the contact «wheel-rail» in curvilinear sections of the underground railway track. In turn, the decrease in wear rate will lead to the decrease in costs on maintenance of the underground railway track.

Author Biographies

Serhii Voronin, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport Feuerbach sq., 7, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61050

Doctor of Technical Science, associate professor

Department of Construction, track and handling machines

Oleksii Skoryk, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport Feuerbach sq., 7, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61050

PhD, associate professor

Department of Track and track fasilites

Yevhen Korostelov, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport Feuerbach sq., 7, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61050

Postgraduate student

Department of Construction, track and handling machines


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How to Cite

Voronin, S., Skoryk, O., & Korostelov, Y. (2016). Determination of rational roughnes of the side surface of the rail top in curved sections of the underground railway track. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(1(82), 11–17.



Industrial and Technology Systems