The study of nanoparticles of magnitite of the lipid-magnetite suspensions by methods of photometry and electronic microscopy


  • Alexandr Alexandrov Ukrainian Engineering-Pedagogics Academy Universitetskaya str., 16, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61003, Ukraine
  • Iryna Tsykhanovska Ukrainian Engineering-Pedagogics Academy Universitetskaya str., 16, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61003, Ukraine
  • Tatуana Gontar Ukrainian Engineering-Pedagogical Academy Universitetskaya str., 16, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61003, Ukraine
  • Nicholas Kokodiy National Pharmaceutical University Pushkinskaya str., 53, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine
  • Natalia Dotsenko Mykolayiv State Agrarian University Paris Commune str., 9, Nikolaev, Ukraine, 54010, Ukraine



magnetite, photometry, electron microscopy, dispersibility, size and effective mean radius of particles, stabilization, magnetite suspension, surface active substance (SAS), sedimentation and aggregative stability


With the aid of the methods of photometry and electronic microscopy, we studied the sedimentation and aggregative stability of the lipid­magnetite suspensions (LMS). Different LMS were obtained. All suspensions are sufficiently stable over time. The best results in stability were displayed by suspensions, in which the ratio Fe3O4:SAS=0,02:0,35 g or 0,04 mass %:0,70 mass % and 0,025:0,35 g or 0,05 mass %:0,70 mass %. We determined size of the particles of magnetite with SAS. The order of mean particle size is defined – it amounts to <d>~76 nm.

It was found that in the course of time (0–48,0 h) and with an increase in the wavelength (210–1000 nm), a gradual increase in the coefficient of transmission is observed from 25 % (210 nm) to 71,9 % (1000 nm) at 0 hours of exposure of the suspension: from 27,5 % (210 nm) to 81,2 % (1000 nm) at the maximum period of exposure of the suspension (48 hours).

The indices of LMS are determined: concentration of the particles – N=1,43 1012 сm­3, in 48 hours the concentration decreased by 20 % (N=1,19·1012 сm­3); r=38 nm, n=1,48, k=0,01. The distribution function of the particles by size is rather narrow and symmetrical, which indicates that the system of the synthesized nanoparticles is homogenous with a low degree of polydispersity.

The UV spectra of LMS and their components were taken and analyzed. The comparison of the spectra of transmission of suspensions with different degree of dilution testifies to chemical identity of the samples.

The kinetic dependences of the coefficient of transmission for the suspensions with different concentration of magnetite (Fe(ov.).), were examined, based on which we calculated the effective mean radius of the particles of the stabilized magnetite: 76–168 nm. The mean radius of the particles in the lipid suspension of magnetite without stabilizer (reff)=400 nm. Visually, LMS manifested high aggregation stability at the total time of sedimentation reaching several tens of hours.

It was established that LMS can be used as the biologically­active and food supplements, which possess the comprehensive action: beneficial biological effect on the human organism; due to the presence of bivalent iron in magnetite and capacity to form transition complexes with oxygen and peroxide radicals (and hydroperoxides), they manifest antioxidant activity, which leads to improvement in the quality and lengthening of the period of storage of the products that contain fat. Furthermore, LMS due to Fe2+ of magnetite can be recommended as the source of easily assimilated iron and as the anti­anemic means. Therefore, the introduction of LMS to the food products increases its quality, nutritional and biological value.

Author Biographies

Alexandr Alexandrov, Ukrainian Engineering-Pedagogics Academy Universitetskaya str., 16, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61003

Candidate of Chemistry Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department

Department of food and chemical technologies

Iryna Tsykhanovska, Ukrainian Engineering-Pedagogics Academy Universitetskaya str., 16, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61003

Candidate of Chemistry Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of food and chemical technologies

Tatуana Gontar, Ukrainian Engineering-Pedagogical Academy Universitetskaya str., 16, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61003

Senior Lecturer

Department of Food and Chemical Technology

Nicholas Kokodiy, National Pharmaceutical University Pushkinskaya str., 53, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Theoretical Physics

Natalia Dotsenko, Mykolayiv State Agrarian University Paris Commune str., 9, Nikolaev, Ukraine, 54010

PhD, assistant

Department of mechanization and electrification of agricultural production


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How to Cite

Alexandrov, A., Tsykhanovska, I., Gontar, T., Kokodiy, N., & Dotsenko, N. (2016). The study of nanoparticles of magnitite of the lipid-magnetite suspensions by methods of photometry and electronic microscopy. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(11(82), 51–61.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production