Study of influence of technological factors on the sorption of ionized calcium from skimmed milk by sodium alginate
skimmed cow milk, complexing agent, sodium alginate, ionized calcium, sorptionAbstract
The possibility of regulating the composition of the salt system of skimmed cow milk for the purpose of regulating the functional and technological properties was investigated. Parameters for the regulation of the composition of the salt system of skimmed cow milk were established. We defined the prospects of using sodium alginate as a natural ion exchanger, the implementation of whose properties for the binding of calcium ions allows using it under conditions of regulating the composition of the salt system of skimmed cow milk or the systems based on it, stable over time and during thermal treatment. The research revealed the influence of technological factors on the process of sorption of ionized calcium by the solution of complexing agent sodium alginate. It was determined that the important factors that affect the process are active acidity and the conditions of conducting the process, namely, a phased introduction of the sorbent, which contributes to the same speed of the process and, as a result, obtaining the same sorption speed throughout the whole process. In addition, the study of influence of the sorption area and temperature indicate that these factors are not determining in this process. Rationalization of parameters of the sorption of ionized calcium leads to the increased thermal stability of skimmed cow milk and the systems based on it. Materials, presented in this paper, are the basis for the development and implementation of technologies of new food products, the composition of which provides colloidal stability under condition of the joint use of dairy and fruit and berries raw materials, which might be used in food industry.
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