Improvement of the methods for determining optimal characteristics of transportation networks




maximum transport flow, shortest paths, network model, matrix model


An improved method of approaching the calculation of maximum flow is developed, which implies applying the method of trees and capacities of tabular processors. The solution can be extended for a problem with several sources and runoffs. This will solve the problem on the optimization of transportation networks with and without limitations in throughput capacity.

We designed an improved method for calculating the shortest path, which is resolved by using the Minty Dijkstra's algorithm. By solving the shortest path problem, we receive the shortest route and a list of vertices that it passes. By having indicators of freight traffic from each vertex to all others, we build a tree of the shortest paths. Going from one vertex to another vertex, we obtain density of traffic in the network without limitation in the throughput capacity.

When the network has a throughput capacity limitation, imposing flows on the network is a bit complicated. In this case, it is necessary to subtract each elementary flow from the existing throughput capacity of the arc, on which it is imposed. For finding the shortest path, it is possible to correct the flows manually.

The process of transforming network models for the process of cargo transportation to the matrix models is presented, through the use of the modified Dijkstra's algorithm. Elements of transportation networks in this case are set in the form of directed graphs. Graphic representation of the results of solving a network traffic problem is given.

Author Biographies

Georgiy Prokudin, National Transport University Suvorova str., 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01010

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Нead of Department

Department international transportation and customs control

Olexiy Chupaylenko, National Transport University Suvorova str., 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01010

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of international transportation and customs control

Olexiy Dudnik, National Transport University Suvorova str., 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01010

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of international transportation and customs control

Alena Dudnik, National Transport University Suvorova str., 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01010


Department of transport systems and road safety

Dzhanay Omarov, National Transport University Suvorova str., 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01010

Postgraduate student

Department of international transportation and customs control


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How to Cite

Prokudin, G., Chupaylenko, O., Dudnik, O., Dudnik, A., & Omarov, D. (2016). Improvement of the methods for determining optimal characteristics of transportation networks. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(3 (84), 54–61.



Control processes