Criteria for the evaluation of model's error for a hybrid architecture DSS in the underwater technology ACS
coordination control, evaluation of model's error, hybrid DSS, underwater technology ACSAbstract
On the examples of successful implementations of technologies in the projects of unmanned (U) tethered and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV), we demonstrated effectiveness of the automated control systems (ACS) with a hybrid decision support system (DSS). A generalized DSS structure is formed, for which the fundamental elements that provide for the quality of control are the selection criteria for models, algorithms and formation of operating rules. The main ones of the properties of criteria are simplicity, accuracy, and evaluation speed, which also enables full account of the models' properties.
We explored a generalized mathematic model of UAUV. The problem on analytical determination of dependence of the estimation error in the predicted behavior of model on the properties of AUV and process parameters was formulated and solved. Based on general analytical solutions, which were obtained by the methods of finite-integral transforms, we examined the properties of such evaluations by using numerical experiments. According to results of analysis of the obtained data, it was established that a factor of the quantity of own numbers for the formation of kernels of integral transformations is more significant and it first of all determines the magnitude of error when modeling the processes. Analyticity of expressions for the estimation of error in the predicted model's behavior makes them fit for simple rapid calculations. The latter provides for the advantage of such estimations when selecting them as the criteria for DSS of hybrid architecture as a quantitative criterion for the choice of alternative model, algorithm in the course of functioning of the underwater technology ACS.
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