Development of systematics ranked structure of environmental protecting equipment for cleaning of gas emissions, wastewater and solid waste
ranked structure of systematics, environment protecting equipment, magnetic separator, genetic codeAbstract
The information about existing methods and technical means of purification of gas emissions, wastewater and solid waste processing is summarized. Selection of an object of study – the functional class of magnetic separators – is conditioned by the fact that in practice it is the most widely used environmental equipment for magnetic purification. Devices for magnetic purification are the most technically implemented and described in the information sources.
To build a systematics of selected functional class the concept is proposed, whose objective is to develop a ranked taxonomy structure of environment protecting equipment for magnetic purification.
At the beginning of systematics building the full species composition of the investigated class of devices for magnetic purification was defined. System information on the number and genetic structure of Species enabled to determine the ranked structure of the main taxonomic units of the class. The proposed ranked structure of systematics consists of two parts: taxa that are defined by the periodic structure of the genetic classification of the field primary sources, and taxa that take into account the artificial characteristic – an environment where the magnetic purification is carried out.
The results of the research can be used to create systematic catalogs, information and design databases and knowledge bases in the field of environment protecting equipment and in the learning process for students of natural and engineering specialties.References
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