Development of methods of evaluation of deformation properties of elastic knitted fabrics for corsetry


  • Ірина Олексіївна Щербініна Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University Оboronnya street, 2, Luhansk, Ukraine, 91011, Ukraine
  • Галина Терентіївна Костенко Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design Nemirovich-Danchenko street, 2, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01011, Ukraine



corsetry, elastic knitted fabrics, stretching, elasticity, irreversible residual deformation.


Despite the large number of studies of the properties of knitted fabrics, the solution of problems of deformation properties of elastic knitted fabrics and the possibility of their use for the production of corsetry are topical.
The aim of the article is to explain a new method of evaluation of elastic properties of elastic knitted fabrics for corsetry.
The studies have shown that the existing method of determining of the deformation properties of elastic knitted fabrics does not permit to determine the maximum stretching of fabrics under condition of the absence of irreversible residual deformation. As a result, the corsetry of these materials cannot ensure the stability of sizes and shape during wearing.
The essence of the new method lies in the definition of the components of deformation of fabrics at different stages of stretching with regard for time, brought as close as possible to the time of usage of goods made of them. This will determine the maximum permissible stretching of fabrics, ensuring 100% elasticity. The initial parameter of stretching was at least 30%, which would provide comfort when wearing corsetry and would conform to norms of stretching of elastic knitted fabrics.
The obtained results can be the basis of a new technique of study of the deformation properties of elastic knitted fabrics for designing corsetry, sport and linen goods.

Author Biographies

Ірина Олексіївна Щербініна, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University Оboronnya street, 2, Luhansk, Ukraine, 91011


Department of  Commodity, commercial business and expertise of goods

Галина Терентіївна Костенко, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design Nemirovich-Danchenko street, 2, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01011

Research associate

Scientific Research Laboratory "Textile-TEST"


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How to Cite

Щербініна, І. О., & Костенко, Г. Т. (2013). Development of methods of evaluation of deformation properties of elastic knitted fabrics for corsetry. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(6(61), 18–20.



Technology organic and inorganic substances