Development of specialized modeling complex to study control systems of movable maritime objects
controller, propulsion device, underwater vehicle, specialized modeling complex, control accuracyAbstract
We designed, created, and tested a specialized modeling complex for examining and assessment of effectiveness of control systems for electric drives of direct and alternating current, which includes software and electromechanical parts. The latter is a metrologically certified training-research set-up "Testing Stand SV-1", that allows conducting experimental studies with required accuracy. We presented characteristics and capabilites of electromechanical part of the modeling complex. The possibility is demonstrated to synthesize control systems for a propulsion device with barounloaded induction motor at rectilinear motion of underwater vehicle with different types of regulators and their subsequent correction by means of the specialized modeling complex.
Experimental studies conducted on the specialized modeling complex of control system confirmed effectiveness of the received laws of control during motion of underwater vehicle under arbitrary law of change in its horizontal rectilinear speed, the discrepancy between results of computer simulation and experimental research is 5–8 %. The results we obtained are implemented in teaching process, and are used to solve relevant scientific, research and military tasks.
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