An increase of the balancing capacity of ball or roller-type auto-balancers with reduction of time of achieving auto-balancing
auto-balancer, auto-balancing, ball, cylindrical roller, balancing capacity, transition processes, optimizationAbstract
The study has revealed an influence of the parameters of corrective weights (balls and cylindrical rollers) in auto-balancers on the balancing capacity and the duration of the transition processes of auto-balancing in fast-rotating rotors.
A compact analytical function has been obtained to determine the balancing capacity of an auto-balancer (for any quantity of corrective weights – balls or rollers), with a subsequent analysis thereof.
It is shown that the process of approach of the auto-balancing can be accelerated if the auto-balancer contains at least three corrective weights.
It has been proved that at a fixed radius of the corrective weights the highest balancing capacity of an auto-balancer is achieved when the corrective weights occupy nearly half of the racetrack.
The study has revealed that it is technically incorrect to formulate a problem of finding a radius of the corrective weights that would maximize the balancing capacity of the auto-balancer. The statement implies that if it is a ball auto-balancer, the racetrack is a sphere, but if it is a roller-type balancer, the racetrack is a cylinder. This leads to a practically useless result, suggesting that the highest balancing capacity is achieved by auto-balancers with one corrective weight. Besides, with n≥5 for balls and n≥8 for rollers, there happens a false optimization, which consists in several corrective weights being “excess”. Their removal increases the balancing capacity of the auto-balancer.
It is correct (from the engineering point of view) that the mathematical task is to optimize the balancing capacity of an auto-balancer. Herewith, it is taken into account that the racetrack of the auto-balancer is torus-shaped, which restricts the radius of the corrective weights from the top. It is shown that the balancing capacity of an automatic balancer can be maximized if in a fixed volume the corrective weights have the largest possible radius and occupy almost a half of the racetrack.
The research on the duration of the transition processes for the smallest value has produced the following conclusions:
– to accelerate the achieving auto-balancing, the corrective weights should occupy nearly half of the racetrack;
– the shortest time of the auto-balancing is achieved with three balls or five cylindrical rollers.References
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