Development of a multi-scenario approach to intelligent management of human resources in the field of medicine
medical specialists, demand model, supply model, fuzzy situations, fuzzy similarityAbstract
The issues of human resource management in the field of medicine were studied and the strategic importance of the human factor and its intellectual potential in improving the quality of health indices were shown. The potentials of using intelligent technologies in management of medical specialist demand and offer adequately reflecting the rapidly changing situation at the labor market were observed. For that purpose, the procedure of intelligent management of demand for and supply of medical personnel was developed. The models of interaction of demand and supply from the standpoint of individual labor market participants (medical specialists and employers) and their behavioral strategies were offered. Formulation of the problem of making a decision concerning the choice of a proper policy of matching supply of and demand for medical specialists reducible to the fuzzy pattern recognition was given. The pattern recognition is based on a fuzzy situational analysis and determining the degree of similarity of fuzzy situations. The degrees of fuzzy inclusion and fuzzy equality were used as the criterion of degree of proximity of two fuzzy situations. The multivariate nature of supply and demand relationship was shown, possible scenarios of their matching were offered and a procedure of decision-making for employment of medical specialists was elaborated. A phased implementation of the multi-scenario procedure of managing demand and supply was carried out by the example of solving the problem of real selection and recruitment of medical specialists for concrete vacancies. The advantage of this approach consists in ensuring possibility of making decisions adequate to the current situation in the human resource management in medicine and its practical implementability. The procedure can be used in management of human resources in various sectors of economy with adaptation to their features.
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