Development of the model of petroleum well boreability with PDC bore bits for Uzen oilfield (the Republic of Kazakhstan)




borehole, boreability model, PDC bit, wear, comparative evaluation, roller bits


A mathematical boreability model has been developed for PDC bits which are distinguished by exceptionally high durability in soft and medium hardness non-abrasive rocks. It is in these rocks that oil wells are drilled at the large Uzen deposit (Republic of Kazakhstan).

To date, numerous boreability models have been developed for boring wells with roller bits, which realize the impact-rotational method of borehole bottom destruction with rock chipping elements. This method requires application of a high axial static load to the borehole bottom in combination with the impact momentum from the rotating roller bit.

Existing models do not take into account features of the boring process with PDC bits, which realize destruction of the borehole bottom by microcutting and the diamond-carbide elements operation in a self-sharpening mode.

A large array of data on boring performance with PDC bits has been processed using mathematical statistics. As a result, a mathematical model has been created which takes into account greater durability of the bits and wear depending on the drop in productivity at the measured interval of the well. The model includes three parameters: identification of initial boring velocity, rate of velocity drop and an exponent to which the boring time is raised.

The obtained model was confirmed by the practice of field boring with PDC bits. A comparative evaluation of performance of the PDC bits and the previously used roller bits in boring wells in the Uzen field has shown that the durability of the PDC bits is 7 times higher than that of the rollerbits and the productivity is 1.6–1.8 times higher.

The developed model is recommended for testing at other deposits where PDC bits are used. The model enables prediction of performance of these bits depending on the degree of wear and further optimization of the boring process to drill wells at the lowest costs.

Author Biographies

Boris Fedorov, Kazakh National Research Technical University after K. I. Satpayev Satpaev str., 22 a, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, 050013

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Technology and techniques of drilling wells

Boranbay Ratov, Kazakh National Research Technical University after K. I. Satpayev Satpaev str., 22 a, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, 050013

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Technology and techniques of drilling wells

Aizada Sharauova, Kazakh National Research Technical University after K. I. Satpayev Satpaev str., 22 a, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, 050013

Postgraduate student

Department of Technology and techniques of drilling wells


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How to Cite

Fedorov, B., Ratov, B., & Sharauova, A. (2017). Development of the model of petroleum well boreability with PDC bore bits for Uzen oilfield (the Republic of Kazakhstan). Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(1 (87), 16–22.



Engineering technological systems