Marcin Kamiński

Lodz University of Technology, Poland
Department of Structural Mechanics

Scopus profile: link
Researcher ID: A-5757-2008
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Selected Publications:

  1. Kamiński, M., Corigliano, A. (2022). Shannon Entropy in Stochastic Analysis of Some Mems. Energies, 15(15), 5483. doi:

  2. Guminiak, M., Kamiński, M. (2022). Stability of rectangular Kirchhoff plates using the Stochastic Boundary Element Methods. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 144, 441–455. doi:

  3. Bredow, R., Kamiński, M. (2022). Structural Safety of the Steel Hall under Dynamic Excitation Using the Relative Probabilistic Entropy Concept. Materials, 15 (10), 3587. doi: 

  4. Kamiński, M., Błoński, R. (2022). Analytical and Numerical Reliability Analysis of Certain Pratt Steel Truss. Applied Sciences, 12 (6), 2901. doi: 

  5. Sokołowski, D., Kamiński, M. (2020). Probabilistic homogenization of hyper-elastic particulate composites with random interface. Composite Structures, 241, 112118. doi:

  6. Sokołowski, D., Kamiński, M., Wirowski, A. (2020). Energy Fluctuations in the Homogenized Hyper-Elastic Particulate Composites with Stochastic Interface Defects. Energies, 13 (8), 2011. doi: 

  7. Szafran, J., Juszczyk, K., Kamiński, M. (2020). Reliability Assessment of Steel Lattice Tower Subjected to Random Wind Load by the Stochastic Finite-Element Method. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 6 (1), 04020003. doi: 

  8. Kamiński, M., Strąkowski, M. (2020). Computer Simulation of Stochastic Energy Fluctuations in Tensile Test of Elasto-Plastic Porous Metallic Material. Energies, 13 (2), 485. doi: 

  9. Sokołowski, D., Kamiński, M. (2019). Hysteretic Behavior of Random Particulate Composites by the Stochastic Finite Element Method. Materials, 12 (18), 2909. doi: 

  10. Pokusiński, B., Kamiński, M. (2019). Lattice domes reliability by the perturbation-based approaches vs. semi-analytical method. Computers & Structures, 221, 179–192. doi: 

  11. Strąkowski, M., Kamiński, M. (2019). Stochastic Finite Element Method Elasto-Plastic Analysis of the Necking Bar With Material Microdefects. ASCE-ASME J Risk and Uncert in Engrg Sys Part B Mech Engrg, 5 (3). doi: 

  12. Kamiński, M., Lauke, B. (2018). Probabilistic and stochastic aspects of rubber hyperelasticity. Meccanica, 53 (9), 2363–2378. doi: 

  13. Sokolowski, D., Kaminski, M. (2018). Homogenization of carbon/polymer composites with anisotropic distribution of particles and stochastic interface defects. Acta Mechanica. doi: 

  14. Kamiński, M. (2018). Deterministic and probabilistic homogenization limits for particulate composites with nearly incompressible components. Composite Structures, 187, 36–47. doi: 

  15. Kamiński, M. (2017). Tsallis entropy in dual homogenization of random composites using the stochastic finite element method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 113 (5), 834–857. doi: 

  16. Sokołowski, D., Kamiński, M. (2018). Probabilistic homogenization of random composite with ellipsoidal particle reinforcement by the iterative stochastic finite element method. doi: 

  17. Sokołowski, D., Kamiński, M. (2018). Computational homogenization of carbon/polymer composites with stochastic interface defects. Composite Structures, 183, 434–449. doi: 

  18. Szafran, J., Juszczyk, K., Kamiński, M. (2017). Coupled Finite Volume and Finite Element Method Analysis of a Complex Large-Span Roof Structure. International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 22 (4), 995–1017. doi: