Polyelectrolyte effect on spectrophotometric determination and interaction of scandium (III) with eriochromcyanine
scandium, eriochromcyanine, polyelectrolyte, test method, surfactant, spectrophotometric techniqueAbstract
The influence of cationic water-soluble polyelectrolyte PSPMG on the interaction of scandium (III) with organic reagent eriochromcyanine is studied. Because the study of the possibility of obtaining new, more effective, modified reagents with a complex of better analytical characteristics is an actual analytical task.
The optimal conditions of complex formation were experimentally determined: the pH range (5.5–6.5), the order of the adding of the components (1 – scandium, 2 – ECR, 3 – PSPMG, 4 – buffer solutions), the composition of the Sc-ECR-PSPMG complex (1:4:1) were experimentally determined and the molar absorption coefficient – 1.8·105 was calculated. A sensitive spectrophotometric method for scandium determination in solutions at the level of 10-7 mol/L was developed.
The optimal scandium sorption parameters in the form of three-component systems Sc-OR-modifier on solid-state carriers were established, scandium sorption isotherms were constructed, sorption parameters of Agran and Kads were calculated. The test systems for the identification of scandium as ternary compounds in polyurethane foam and cotton were proposed, calibration curves in the concentration range from 1·10-6–1·10-5 mol/L were built and the colorimetric method of identification of scandium in solutions that accelerate analysis was proposed.
It is shown that the PSPMG application is a promising direction for improvement of chemical-analytical characteristics of organic reagents (eriochromcyanine and chromazurol S) because its usage increases the sensitivity and selectivity of the spectrophotometric determination of scandium in the form of a complex Sc-OR-PSPMG.
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