A study of the third-order nonlinear susceptibility and nonlinear absorption of inas in the middle infrared region





nonlinear third-order susceptibility, four-wave interaction, narrow-band semiconductors, breakdown threshold


Nonlinear susceptibilities of the third order χ(3) and the coefficient of nonlinear absorption in n-type InAs with a different degree of doping are measured at room and nitrogen temperatures. The values of the third-order nonlinear susceptibilities χ(3)107 esu derived from these measurements essentially exceed the values calculated on the basis of the model featuring the nonlinear susceptibility of the electrons, being in conduction-band nonparabolicity. It is shown, that the observed discrepancy is eliminated, if to consider a dissipation of energy of electrons in the calculation. The growth of efficiency in four-wave mixing in narrow-gap semiconductors is restricted to nonlinear absorption of interacting waves. It has been found that, nonlinear absorption in InAs is due to free holes that arise as a result of three-photon absorption. The breakdown threshold on the surface and constant of the nonlinear absorption in InAs were measured.

Author Biographies

Musaver Abdulsalam Musaev, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University Azadliq ave., 20, Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ 1010

Doctor of physical sciences, Professor

Ibrahim Isa Abbasov, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University Azadliq ave., 20, Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ 1010

PhD, Associate Professor

Aliashraf Latif Baxtiyarov, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University Azadliq ave., 20, Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ 1010

PhD, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Musaev, M. A., Abbasov, I. I., & Baxtiyarov, A. L. (2017). A study of the third-order nonlinear susceptibility and nonlinear absorption of inas in the middle infrared region. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(5 (89), 20–25. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2017.112339



Applied physics