Control subsystem of database administrators access of commercial enterprise


  • Ігор Анатолійович Пількевич Zhytomyr National Agroecological University Blvd Stary, 7, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 10008, Ukraine
  • Надія Миколаївна Лобанчикова Candidate of Technical Sciences, The senior lecturer Chair of safety of the information and communication systems, Ukraine
  • Володимир Іванович Котков Zhytomyr National Agroecological University Blvd Stary, 7, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 10008, Ukraine
  • Олександр Володимирович Метельський Zhitomir Military Institute after Sergey Korolyov of the National Aviation University Pr. Mira, 22, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 10004, Ukraine



Database, control system, commercial information, user identification, unauthorized access


Modern technologies led to the active development of the system of electronic information resources. Creation of large quantities of electronic data storages in information and communication systems creates the necessity to protect them from unauthorized access. One of the areas of information security is separation of access to information resources that will permit to improve the level of protection of information system against the unauthorized access and use of the system.

The aim of the study is to develop a control subsystem of database administrative access of a commercial enterprise, which automates the process of database control and increases the level of protection of information system against unauthorized access. As a result of research, we have conducted the analysis of technology of development of the control subsystem of administrator’s access of database, which help to determine the peculiarities of creation of such systems and technology of implementation of control subsystems. We suggested means of authorization of access control of legal users to system resources, enduing them with the rights, defined by the administrator, and control of execution of various system functions. We have implemented a prototype of the system, using the database control system SQL Microsoft Server 2008 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. We have developed forms for identification of users of subsystem control of database administrator access. We have prepared the users access rights to information resources of the information system

Author Biographies

Ігор Анатолійович Пількевич, Zhytomyr National Agroecological University Blvd Stary, 7, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 10008

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, the managing chair

Chair of monitoring of surrounding environment

Надія Миколаївна Лобанчикова, Candidate of Technical Sciences, The senior lecturer Chair of safety of the information and communication systems

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, the managing chair

Chair of monitoring of surrounding environment

Володимир Іванович Котков, Zhytomyr National Agroecological University Blvd Stary, 7, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 10008

Candidate of Technical Sciences, The senior lecturer, the senior lecturer of chair

Chair of monitoring of surrounding environment

Олександр Володимирович Метельський, Zhitomir Military Institute after Sergey Korolyov of the National Aviation University Pr. Mira, 22, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 10004


Chair of safety of the information and communication systems


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How to Cite

Пількевич, І. А., Лобанчикова, Н. М., Котков, В. І., & Метельський, О. В. (2013). Control subsystem of database administrators access of commercial enterprise. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(3(62), 4–8.



Control systems