Modelling of technological process of assemblage by means of IDEF0
Technological preparation of production, technological assemblage, methodology IDEF0, conceptual modelAbstract
The article regards the model of the technological assemblage of items in instrument-making industry, taking into account peculiarities of the industry.
The article describes the technique of modeling of technological preparation of production and shows some of the results of our research in this area.
The main goal of the research is to create a new package of operation and modeling of technological processes of production of equipment and to analyze the main features of modern software tools to automate the design and technological preparation of production.
The article regards the conceptual model of technological preparation of production based on the existing methodology IDEF0, allowing creation of functional models of the process of assemblage, which reflect the structure and function of technological training, and information and material objects flows, which connect the functions.
There is an analysis of the possibility of usage of this methodology for the design of assembly production in instrument-making industry.The research results can be used to automate the assembly production in instrument-making industry
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