Twostage treatment of solid waste leachates in aerated lagoons and at municipal wastewater treatment plants
leachate of municipal solid waste dumps, aerated lagoon, biological treatment, immobilization of biocenosisAbstract
The two-stage technology of treatment of the leachates of the municipal solid waste (MSW) dumps in aerated lagoons and at municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) has been studied. The study objective was to develop a technology that can be implemented at existing MSW dumps and landfills. Static and dynamic modes of implementation of both stages of the technology were investigated on the model units. Static 16-day mode was experimentally studied in the aerated lagoon conditions. As a result, we have managed to achieve almost a 2-fold reduction of COD and more than a 3-fold decrease in concentration of ammonium ions.
Dynamic mode studies have established that the optimal time of leachate staying in the reactor was 10 days. Change of the relative concentration of ammonium nitrogen in the leachate largely depends on the process temperature, so in real conditions, it is necessary to adjust the modes of realization of the individual stages depending on the ambient temperature. It has been established that for treatment of leachate at municipal WWTP in a static mode at the value of the ratio of leachate dilution with municipal sewage of 1:1000, the maximum effect of treatment of both from ammonium ions and COD was achieved. The study of leachate treatment at municipal WWTP in a dynamic mode has confirmed stability of maintaining the treatment indicators in time. By implementation of the two-stage technology of leachate treatment, it will be possible to minimize environmental hazard from surface and ground water contamination in the zone of influence of MSW dumps and landfillsReferences
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