The testing process of expert systems for implementation in Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence, Reports Services, testing, metrics, expert systems, artificial intelligenceAbstract
The article describes a system based on BI methods and tools to analyze the financial performance of the bank, the use of expert systems in the field and the testing of a similar expert system. It considers the purpose of systems of business analysis, and several systems, which ensure the most effective business decisions. There is a comparison of BI tools, pros and cons of each of them. The article provides conclusions as to the chosen software emphasizing the relevance of usage of SQL SERVER 2008 R2 of Microsoft. There is a description of the solution online analytical processing. The article concerns problems of systems of support of decision making at large amounts of input data. As a solution, we have proposed the integration of expert and decision support systems. Integration of expert and decision support systems increases the efficiency of the whole system, making decision support system more active and valuable participant in the decision making process. The article considers the stages of industrial testing, its main features, and examination of CASE-tool Rational Suite. The article analyzed the stages of testing of expert systems, namely testing of output data, logical testing of knowledge base, and conceptual testing of application system. The article provides conclusions as to the importance of formalization of testing of expert systems in Business IntelligenceReferences
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