Influence of pulsed laser and ultrasonic energy sources on formation of surface layer of details
Surface layer, laser treatment without washing of the surface, laser treatment with washing of the surfaceAbstract
Requirements to the mechanical, technological, operational properties, microrelief and aesthetic look of the surface layer of metal goods are so high that the use of traditional methods of finishing could not provide the necessary quality parameters to create competitive goods with minimal power and material costs for their production, repair and restore of various types of equipment. An efficient combined method of laser-ultrasonic finishing-firming treatment using ultrasonic vibrations and laser irradiation with and without washing of surface was suggested. It refers to nonabrasive finishing-firming treatment of metals with surface thermoplastic deformation and can be used in the instrument, aviation and shipbuilding industry. The method is based on the idea of integrated use of the advantages and deficiencies of surface laser treatment and ultrasonic finishing-firming treatment with simultaneous or sequential various technological processes. The influence of pulsed laser and ultrasonic energy sources on the change of the structure, roughness parameters, degree of peening, microhardness and optimal value of energy of the laser pulse was detected to enhance the surface layer of bronze BrAZh9-4. The results showed the decrease of roughness 1.5 times and an increase of the microhardness and the depth of the surface layer 1.3-1.5 times after combined laser-ultrasonic treatment
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