Grid-system and distributed (cloud) calculation


  • Володимир Анатолійович Лабжинський National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" str. Polytechnique, 6, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01056, Ukraine



Grid-systems, Grid-technologies, tools, information systems, scientific field, National Grid-infrastructure


The article provides a comprehensive description of Grid technology in modern intensive information systems. The concept of Grid-system, given the structure of Grid-technologies described Application of Grid. Attention is paid to the use of Grid-technologies in the field of science. The problems using Grid-technologies in the Internet.

The aim of this article is a comprehensive study of modern Grid-systems in the whole complex of its constituent elements.

Using high-speed and available personal computers, the development and practical use of the massive network of information technology at various levels and purpose - all this shows that the distributed computer networks have become an effective and cheaper alternative to other multiprocessor, complex computing systems in solving complex and demanding problems.

In distributed dynamic virtual organizations sharing the coordinated use of resources, different in their structure, supported by technology and infrastructure Grid. It allows you to create virtual computing systems that are able to maintain a sufficient level of shared services, including geographically dispersed components used in different organizations with different terms and rules of operation.

Previously, traditional methods of computation oriented towards minimizing the number of operations mathematics-calculator or uniprocessor computers. With the advent of parallel computers has changed and process optimization criterion, in fact, is to minimize the critical path in the graph that describes the parallel process

Author Biography

Володимир Анатолійович Лабжинський, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" str. Polytechnique, 6, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01056


Design automation of energy processes and systems


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How to Cite

Лабжинський, В. А. (2013). Grid-system and distributed (cloud) calculation. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(9(62), 15–21.



Information and controlling system