Dual chanel doppler direction finder


  • Анатолій Григорович Сорочан Donetsk National Technical University Street. Artem, 58, Donetsk, Ukraine, 83001, Ukraine
  • Дмитро Олександрович Добряк Samsung Ukraine Research & Development Centre (SURC) Business center "101 Tower» st. Leo Tolstoy, 57, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01032, Ukraine
  • Оксана Анатоліївна Добряк Samsung Ukraine Research & Development Centre (SURC) Business center "101 Tower» st. Leo Tolstoy, 57, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01032, Ukraine




Modulation index, delay, phase, signal spectrum, harmonic, multiplier, bandpass filter, Bessel function


The article analyzes in details the double-channel Doppler direction finder. The main purpose of the study is to identify the important features of the direction finder operation, to obtain relations, adequately reflecting the processes in it, and to make recommendations on information about the angular position of the target. The article specifies the description of the signal at the output of the rotating antenna. When analyzing the direction finder, we have taken into account the impact of instability of the amplitude and phase characteristics of line channel, time delays of devices that make up the direction finder. These helped clarify the output voltage of the direction finder and to formulate requirements for its components. The analysis proved that the time delays of line channels, the instability of their characteristics do not affect the measurement result. It is proved that the presence of time delays of other devices of the direction finder leads to additional phase shifts in modulating oscillation of a processed signal, which can affect the value of the angular position of the object from its actual value. It was shown that the direction finder could run on both odd and even harmonics of the frequency of rotation of an antenna. The obtained results reveal a number of important features associated with the choice of mode of the direction finder operation that helps optimize its performance

Author Biographies

Анатолій Григорович Сорочан, Donetsk National Technical University Street. Artem, 58, Donetsk, Ukraine, 83001

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor,

Professor, Department of Radio Engineering and technical protection of information

Дмитро Олександрович Добряк, Samsung Ukraine Research & Development Centre (SURC) Business center "101 Tower» st. Leo Tolstoy, 57, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01032

Candidate of Science, Engineering

Оксана Анатоліївна Добряк, Samsung Ukraine Research & Development Centre (SURC) Business center "101 Tower» st. Leo Tolstoy, 57, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01032

Candidate of science



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How to Cite

Сорочан, А. Г., Добряк, Д. О., & Добряк, О. А. (2013). Dual chanel doppler direction finder. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(9(62), 34–38. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2013.12442



Information and controlling system