Principles of construction and identification of a multilevel system for monitoring parameters of technological cycle of casting
casting quality, ductile iron, deterministic causality, factors of influence, Ishikawa diagramAbstract
For the creation of a multi-level system of integrated control and operational management of physical-chemical and technological casting processes, deterministic causality of technological objects was determined. These objects are involved in the processes of melting, ladle and heat treatment in the production of ductile iron castings. This made it possible to develop a block diagram of selection and optimization of key technological parameters, geometry of gating systems for the lost-foam casting.
In order to ensure continuous control over a set of parameters of technological processes, equipment and environmental safety, key factors of influence of technological parameters were determined. To this end, the Ishikawa diagram was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the parameters and casting objects influence during lost-foam casting on the casting quality and environment. The expediency of using the Ishikawa diagram for the theory and practice of casting production was determined. Methods using the Ishikawa diagram were developed, which allow identifying and defining the deterministic influence of factors of the first, second, third order on technological processes and casting objects, as well as environment. They also provide an opportunity to determine the effectiveness of using the Ishikawa diagram in the production of high-quality cast products of iron-carbon alloys, including ductile iron.
Basic data on the identification of casting objects and processes as the full cycle of production of ductile iron and castings of it by lost-foam casting were obtained. This will allow constructing a multi-level system for controlling the parameters of the full technological cycle using modern computer information technologies, as well as monitoring the environmental condition of casting objects and determining their environmental impact.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Oleg Shinsky, Inna Shalevska, Pavlo Kaliuzhnyi, Volodymyr Shinsky, Tetiana Lysenko, Taras Shevchuk, Vadym Sliusarev, Ievgen Pohrebach, Stanislav Kolomiitsev

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