Determining the maximally permissible values for the indicators of insulation of sealed entrance bushings with a voltage of 110 kV using the method of minimal risk




high voltage entrance bushing, insulation indicators, minimal risk, probabilities of erroneous and correct decisions, Weibull distribution, likelihood ratios


A method for determining the maximally permissible values for the indicators of insulation of high-voltage oilfilled entrance bushings that ensure the minimal risk value has been proposed. The proposed method differs in that the maximally permissible values for indicators are determined by minimizing the function of average risk, using the Newton’s method, taking into consideration the actual operating conditions of equipment, which makes it possible to improve the operational reliability of entrance bushings.

We have derived an expression to determine the average risk with respect to the distribution law of indicators for the insulation of high-voltage entrance bushings (by Weibull), the minimization of which makes it possible to determine the maximally permissible values for the indicators, taking into consideration the duration of their operation, the values of load currents, the grade of a transformer oil, and other factors.

A comparative analysis was performed for risk values, which are accompanied by applying the maximally permissible values for indicators that are regulated in Ukraine, with the maximally permissible values for indicators, which were obtained by using different methods. The analysis revealed that the minimal risk value is ensured by the maximally permissible values for indicators, which are obtained by applying the method of minimal risk, taking into consideration the operating conditions for entrance bushings. We have performed an analysis of impact of the values for probabilities of the proper-functioning and faulty state of entrance bushings, the cost of incorrect decisions, as well as the value for a scale parameter and a shape parameter in the Weibull distribution, on the maximally permissible values for the indicators of insulation of high-voltage oil-filled entrance bushings in an airtight structure. It was established that an increase in the probability of a defect and its conditional cost, as well as prolonging the operation duration of entrance bushings and their loading, leads to a decrease in the maximally permissible values for the indicators. It has been proven that the maximally permissible values for the indicators of insulation of high-voltage entrance bushings, which ensure the minimal economic loss, are not constant. In order to practically implement the method of minimal risk during operation, it has been proposed to apply the likelihood ratios, which make it possible to diagnose the state of high-voltage entrance bushings at a minimal risk, but without determining the maximally permissible values for the indicators.

Author Biographies

Оleg Shutenko, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» Kyrpychova str., 2, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of transmission of electric energy

Alexandra Zagaynova, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» Kyrpychova str., 2, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002


Department of transmission of electric energy

Galina Serdyukova, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» Kyrpychova str., 2, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of transmission of electric energy


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How to Cite

Shutenko О., Zagaynova, A., & Serdyukova, G. (2018). Determining the maximally permissible values for the indicators of insulation of sealed entrance bushings with a voltage of 110 kV using the method of minimal risk. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(8 (95), 6–15.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment