Dangerous concentration of methane in gasiform emissions and methods of its reduction
Gas emissions, methane, environmental safety, biotechnological detoxification, bioreactorAbstract
The article is devoted to the problem of reduction of the anthropogenic impact on the environment created by the gasiform emissions from the sewage systems containing methane, by converting this compound into the environmentally safe product. It was proved that the physicochemical cleaning methods do not permit to achieve the removal of this gas to the MPC standards and perform its complete detoxification. It was noted that in the biosphere the detoxification of methane is carried out biologically. Therefore, to bring the concentration of methane in gaseous emissions from the sewage system to the MPC standards the biotechnological method was developed.
It was found that the reason of low efficiency of purification of the gaseous emissions from the sewage systems in degassers and their low operational life is the result of formation of a water film on the surface of load and growth of microorganisms therein, forming sulfuric and nitric acids, which inhibit the growth of methanotrophic bacteria and destroy an adsorbent.
In experimental studies, the possibility of application of the biotechnological method for the detoxification of methane and accompanying compounds in gaseous emissions from the sewage systems was determined. On the basis of these results the biotechnology and a unit – a bioreactor with watered-bed were suggested, the use of which has made it possible to increase the concentration of methane and accompanying compounds in gaseous emissions to the established standards of the MPC. The bioreactor with watered-bed was a two-section unit, in each section of which a specialized microbiocoenosis on acid proof carriers - lavsan pigs was immobilizedReferences
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