Development of a method for the creation of 3d advertising printing products




3D advertising printing products, advertising installation, recurrent scheme, logo, distorted image


The analysis of characteristic features of 3D advertising design is carried out. It was found that since the input information concerning the task of structuring the stages of creation of 3D advertising printing products is qualitative, an expert approach should be used for its solution. As experts, the technologists of the leading Ukrainian publishing and printing companies were presented. Using the expert approach on the basis of these features, the structuring of development stages of 3D advertising printing products was formed. The list and content of the parameters of such structuring are conditioned by specific types of 3D advertising.

To take into account the separate categories and properties of 3D advertising, a technology for choosing the options for implementing 3D advertising installations was developed. This technology is based on the use of simulation tools.

The choice of acceptable alternatives is based on the use of the proposed basic recurrence scheme. The list of estimating parameters that influence the efficiency of advertising installations and allow evaluating the quality of the logo created by calligraphy means is proposed.

A mathematical model for creating a projection of an advertising image is developed. This model provides features of graphic processing of illustrations such as distortion of the original 3D advertising image horizontally, distortion of the original 3D advertising image vertically, converting the pixel coordinate in the desired direction, calculating the size of the 3D advertising image. Based on the developed mathematical model, a program was created that allows forming the distorted appearance of any image, which can be applied to the surface. The method of creating 3D advertising was implemented in the BPWin software product. Software implementation allows optimizing the 3D advertising development process

Author Biographies

Yevhen Hrabovskyi, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics Nauky ave., 9-a, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Computer Systems and Technologies

Oleksiy Yevsyeyev, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics Nauky ave., 9-a, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Computer Systems and Technologies

Alexander Pandorin, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics Nauky ave., 9-a, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Computer Systems and Technologies


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How to Cite

Hrabovskyi, Y., Yevsyeyev, O., & Pandorin, A. (2018). Development of a method for the creation of 3d advertising printing products. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(2 (96), 6–18.