Quantum-chemical calculation of nmr spectra of functionalized silica surface
quantum-chemical calculations, NMR spectrum, shielding constant, IR spectrum, functionalized silica surface, hydrogen bondAbstract
On the basis of quantum-chemical calculations of NMR spectra (DFT (GIAO/B3LYP / 6-311 + + G (d, p))) of fragments of the surface of silica, which is functionalized by phosphene-oxide, nitrogen containing and thiourea groups [≡ Si (CH2) 2P (O) ( OC2H5), ≡ Si (CH2) 2P (O) (OH) 2, ≡ Si (CH2) 3NH2, ≡ Si (CH2) 3NHC (S) NHC2H5], the correct assignment of resonant frequencies in the theoretical and experimental NMR spectra of the synthesized adsorbents was carried out. The theoretical analysis of the NMR spectra of the studied fragments permits to identify the causes that determine the behavior of the surface layer of modified silicas. The values of chemical shifts of shielding constants at nuclei 13C 31P were determined when forming hydrogen bonds between the donor and silane groups with and without water molecule.
The data of quantum-chemical calculations of fragments of surface when determining the factors that influence the position of signals in the NMR spectra are in some cases significant additional argument in favor of the existence of certain structures on the surface.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Юлия Анатольевна Мирошниченко, Юрий Александрович Безносик, Олеся Валентиновна Смирнова, Юрий Леонидович Зуб

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