Model of workplace arrangement in an office


  • Леонид Иванович Нефедов Kharkov National Automobile Highway University Petrovskogo st, 25,Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine
  • Юрий Антонович Петренко Kharkov National Automobile Highway University Petrovskogo st, 25,Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine
  • Александр Сергеевич Кононыхин Kharkov National Automobile Highway University Petrovskogo st, 25,Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine
  • Дмитрий Александрович Маркозов Kharkov National Automobile Highway University Petrovskogo st, 25,Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine



functional area, natural light, electromagnetic radiation, workplace, office


Nowadays, the proper planning of the working space and the rational arrangement of workplaces in this space is an important issue, because working together workers should be in constant contact. It is necessary to increase the efficiency of the design of an office space by developing a model of arrangement of workplaces in the office. The problem analysis showed that the arrangement of workplaces in the office was considered by individual criteria. The article examines the criteria of quality, comfort and safety. A model of arrangement of workplaces by many factors simultaneously was developed. The model of arrangement of workplaces in the office jobs will allow a comprehensive approach to the problem of arrangement of workplaces, taking into account the evaluation criteria of quality, comfort and safety, and will improve the design of the office space. 

Author Biographies

Леонид Иванович Нефедов, Kharkov National Automobile Highway University Petrovskogo st, 25,Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002

Doctor of Engineering Sciences,professor, head of chair

Chair of “Automation and the computer-integrated technologies”

Юрий Антонович Петренко, Kharkov National Automobile Highway University Petrovskogo st, 25,Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002

Candidate of Engineering Sciences, associate professor

Chair of “Automation and the computer-integrated technologies”

Александр Сергеевич Кононыхин, Kharkov National Automobile Highway University Petrovskogo st, 25,Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002


Chair of “Automation and the computer-integrated technologies”

Дмитрий Александрович Маркозов, Kharkov National Automobile Highway University Petrovskogo st, 25,Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002

Candidate of Engineering Sciences, associate professor

Chair of “Automation and the computer-integrated technologies”


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How to Cite

Нефедов, Л. И., Петренко, Ю. А., Кононыхин, А. С., & Маркозов, Д. А. (2013). Model of workplace arrangement in an office. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(10(63), 13–16.



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