Influence of elastic characteristics of raw cotton on the mechanics of feed rollers in the cleaners from small impurities


  • Fazil Veliev Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) Istiglyaliyat str., 6, Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ 1001, Azerbaijan



cleaner from small impurities, feed rollers, spike rollers, blade, layer deformation, spacer efforts, quality of raw cotton cleaning, structural particles


The effect of the elastic characteristics of raw cotton on the mechanics of the feed rollers in fine impurity cleaners depends on maturity. In cleaners from small impurities, mechanisms are used with spike rollers having an asymmetrical arrangement of the blades. The location asymmetry of the feed rollers with straight blades can be characterized by the value of the angle О of one roller blades’ lagging behind or advancing ahead of the blades of another. The relative characteristic of the value of asymmetry can be the ratio of the modulus О to its ultimate value kas=О/П, the change interval of which is 0≤kas≤1. The analysis has shown that with an increase in kas in cleaners of small impurities, the quality of raw cotton cleaning worsens. A matrix method is proposed for analyzing the mechanisms of cotton processing machines, including feed rollers in fine impurity cleaners, and an algorithm for its computer implementation has been developed. With an increase in the asymmetry of the spike rollers (kas), the spacer forces arising between the rollers decrease by 20–25 %, which leads to a decrease in the cleaning effect of the machine.

A feeder circuit has been developed, where, along with traditional paddle rollers, spike or spike-slatted loosening rollers are used. In the feeder of this design, it is possible to detect both a uniform feeding of the machine with cotton and a change in the technological characteristics of raw cotton. Additional rollers lead to a change in the technological characteristics of raw cotton, thereby creating a process of intensive cleaning from impurities. Obviously, the deformation undergone by a particle in the process under consideration will be maximally possible, ultimate, since the new design eliminates product slippage in the areas between the paddle and loosening rollers, which is not excluded in the actual design.

The experience gained shows that the use of the developed feeder circuit in fine impurity cleaners gives a significant increase (18 %) of the cleaning effect of the machine.

Author Biography

Fazil Veliev, Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) Istiglyaliyat str., 6, Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ 1001

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of technological machines and equipment of the branch


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How to Cite

Veliev, F. (2019). Influence of elastic characteristics of raw cotton on the mechanics of feed rollers in the cleaners from small impurities. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(1), 33–40.



Engineering technological systems