Bushuyev law – the guarantee of incomplete transformation of serial projects in operating activities
the Bushuev’s law, serial designs, creative level, the risks of the projects, the diffusion layerAbstract
Although in modern design practice there are programs consisting of separate consecutive projects, which because of common nature of the majority of characteristics: place, time, technology and products, etc., can be called similar or serial, little attention has been paid to features of design activities during implementation of such programs.
The features of these projects, their objective constituents and the management psychology lie in the fact that serial projects tend to the gradual transformation of the latter into the operating activity.
A paradox has been revealed - winning risks become positive factors of reverse transformation of the absorbing level as a result of, for example, contingencies, even such as accidents and catastrophes at the management object. Indeed, the destruction of the old equipment at the plant, on the one hand, is obviously a negative risk, but on the other hand – definitely has positive effects: the opportunity to acquire modern equipment and implement new technologies that significantly compensate the negative effects of the accident.
The article shows that the transformation of the project activity into the operating one is a major problem of the implementation of programs consisting of similar projects. The creative, variable and absorbing levels of program management opportunities were proposed to distinguish, the role of the Bushuev’s law in preventing the "slippage" of projects to absorbing level and ways of such prevention, in particular, by the use of project risks, were highlighted.References
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