Estimation of scintillation coordinates in gamma-camera detector using spline approximation method
gamma-camera, response surface, spline approximation, bicubic splineAbstract
Image formation in gamma-ray cameras is made by defining scintillation coordinates, produced by the absorption of gamma-quanta. By the present time different methods for scintillation coordinates defining have been developed based on previously measured and calculated amplitude-spatial features of a photodetector. The paper gives a method for estimating scintillation coordinates without any prior information. The method is based on approximation of the photodetecor response surface, located at the output window of permanent scintillation detector, on the scintillation light distribution function. For the approximation bicubic smoothing splines were used, which weight coefficients are set based on statistical features of measurement results. The paper proposes the approximation algorithm, taking into account geometry of photodetectors distribution at the output window of detector in the points of trigonal lattice.
The algorithm can be applied in gamma cameras and other systems of gamma-rays imaging when using detectors such as gamma cameras. Relatively high computational intensiveness as compared to the Anger’s method makes the proposed method more appropriate for off-line processing of accumulated data aimed at improving the image quality
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