Analysis of regulatory support for environmental monitoring at the international, еuropean and national levels
environmental monitoring, regulatory support, international, European and national standardsAbstract
The complexity of natural-technogenic systems as objects of environmental monitoring and monitoring the impact on the environment caused a need for analyzing the structure of its regulatory support at the national, European and international levels with the purpose of determining the degree of harmonization and uniformity of standards. For conducting comparative analysis, the scheme of environmental monitoring control system is given and scheme elements are outlined, which are of interest in terms of their regulatory support. The paper gives analysis of regulatory support at the national, European and international levels on the example of standards which provide the stages of monitoring the quality of drinking water. Conclusions on the heterogeneity and non-uniformity of regulatory support and harmonization of national, European and international standards were made. The research results will form the basis for developing the concept of standards evaluation by their content and recommendations for standards harmonization.References
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